
YouSpotProperty is run by Nicholas Kalms and Benjamin Radstone both London residents. Nick and Ben have a real passion for rescuing property, and even more so, helping turn empty and unloved houses back into well-loved homes.

They have a strong belief that not enough is being done to get these homes back into use and have created this website to alleviate this ongoing crisis‭.‬

‭Between them they have over 30‭ ‬years of experience in empty property‭, ‬and call on a team of specialist researchers to help them‭ ‬track down the owners of derelict and unloved properties‭.‬

There are many reasons a property might fall into disuse‭. ‬

Perhaps the owner has gone into care or moved away‭. ‬Often people find themselves responsible for their childhood home after their parents have passed away‭. ‬Emotionally attached to the property and possibly facing financial constraints‭, ‬they might not have‭ ‬decided what to do with the property‭. ‬Despite their best intentions‭, ‬it can remain empty and become dilapidated‭.‬

In these circumstances, a cash offer aided by YouSpotProperty – along with our help in making the process of selling straightforward – can be an attractive solution.

Of course, not every owner will want to sell their property, but of the properties reported to us, we start a conversation with the owner in about 70% of cases. If it suits them to sell the property, then we can reward the spotter who reported the property to us in the first place.

A great by-product of our business is that empty houses get put back to use‭.‬

That can give neighbourhoods a boost and cut down on the anti-social activity that accompanies rundown property‭. ‬We look to complement this local focus by making a donation to a local charity every time we have helped bring a property back into use‭.‬

Customer Reviews

Provided details of an empty run down property in December 2022, received an email in early January 2023 to advise the property meet their criteria and have today received a £20 Amazon voucher. The process was easy to follow and would highly recommend this website to report such properties. Will patiently wait and see if the company purchases the property as it would be lovely to see it brought back into use, but even if it doesn't I have received a £20 voucher for just a few minutes work.

Shelley Hayward

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Customer Reviews

I have been sending property addresses to you spot property and although no deals have been agreed yet, I have to say I have always received my vouchers! For me I think it’s so easy and if they end up buying something I refer, it’s a bonus. Keep those vouchers coming please!!

Mr G Drewett

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Customer Reviews

I love working with this company to reclaim property. I have received three M&S vouchers for recent referrals, and hope to continue this win/win arrangement.

Tess Barnes – Trustpilot Review

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Customer Reviews

Derelict property blighting a local area. I Informed YSP about a property that has fallen into disrepair, as the result of complications/ family disputes, following the owner's death and I have been impressed by how straightforward, transparent and swift communication has been. I have received my £20 voucher. Of course, I wouldn't say no to the 1%, in case they go on to a purchase, but my initial motive was to address a real problem in the area. I do think that they are acting in a socially responsible and beneficial way, as well as doing shrewd business. They strike me as open, efficient and fair.

Paul Bowden

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Customer Reviews

Great opportunity to make some extra cash whilst walking the dog, great service and thanks.

Alan – Trustpilot Review

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Customer Reviews

What a good idea, we regularly walk past an empty property which has been vacant for many years and is gradually falling down. What a shame because it could provide needed housing and would benefit from being lived in. We wouldn't know who to contact but maybe the team at YouSpotProperty can. And, we received a £20 property for reporting it too them what could be simpler. Good luck in finding the owner.

Philip Raysford

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Customer Reviews

I have only recently started using this company & have submitted three properties within the last 6 weeks. I am pleased to report that two of these met the criteria & I have already received the M&S vouchers for spotting them. A fantastic bonus for spotting properties whilst walking the dog. Hopefully a sale materialises for a further monetary bonus. An excellent concept & an efficient service.


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Customer Reviews

My sister mentioned this new initiative / website to me, I have now received 2 vouchers for M&S and continue to walk around with my eyes wide open anything that looks a bit scruffy is being reported who knows I might even do this full time. Top idea.

Mrs Charles – passer by

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Customer Reviews

What a great idea, there has been an empty property on my street in Balham for a number of years and I couldn’t understand why no work had been done to it. A good friend of mine told me about this site where I sent the address in and subsequently received a £20 voucher. 2 months later and I’ve just received a nice reward and hopefully the house is renovated soon. Great service, thank you!

Mr Allen – Neighbour

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Customer Reviews

I sold my property in Tooting to You Spot Property, the house had fallen into poor condition and I was being threatened with action from the local council. They contacted me about the property and helped with an easy transaction, they even paid my legal fees.

Mrs Wood – Property Owner

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Customer Reviews

I sent You Spot Property 5 properties in Harrow. I received five £20 vouchers and subsequently received a payment of £5000 when they purchased a property. I was delighted with the way they went about concluding business and the whole process took only 3 months.

Mr Conway – Harrow

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Customer Reviews

Dear youspotproperty, Thanks for this! I had actually already shared it on my social media when I recieved the £20 voucher, and will definitely share the update now on my instagram page. @not.another.broke.girl where I share financial tips. I'm glad I've helped a property in my local are get a new lease of life by simply going on a walk and taking a photo. Let me know if I can help promote in any other way.

A You Spot follower

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Customer Reviews

I am extremely happy to say I have submitted multiple properties and received vouchers for the spot, I have now had confirmation of the first sale of a spot and am delighted. It’s something which takes a few spare minutes and is highly rewarded and I cannot recommend it enough. You spot property have helped me so much with the extra cash from this I find it very rewarding financially and socially knowing I am benefitting my local area by getting run down empty houses filled and back up to standard. I can happily say communication from the team at you spot property has always been great and have had emails back to double check properties submitted if the address info may be incorrect proving they are genuine in rewarding spots.

Nathan Sefton

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Customer Reviews

I am so delighted with return. YouSpotProperty came up trumps! Will be keeping my eyes open. Thank you

Anneth Forrester

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Customer Reviews

The house had been empty for over 20 years, both ourselves and various of the neighbours have contacted the council on several occasions but we never made any progress. I am extremely pleased that you managed to get this very nice little house back into circulation, it was such a shame that it wasn’t lived in for so long.

Mrs Grove

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